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September 17, 2019

Wallace lab professional development awards

Congrats to Celeste Rodriguez (Wallace lab undergraduate) and Jose Villalobos (Wallace lab graduate student)!!  Celeste will be attending a prospective graduate student workshop at the University of Chicago, paid for by a generous fellowship from the Discover UChicago fund.  Also, Jose will be attending the RocDocs workshop at the University of Rochester to learn more about prospective postdoctoral positions.  Congrats again Celeste and Jose!

April 01, 2019

Edward Cruz publication and Goldwater Scholarship

April was a big month for Edward Cruz.  Ed's publication on the FAT-PTM database for plant post-translational modifications was accepted in Plant Journal.  This database is a collaborative effort with Tin Nguyen's lab in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at UNR to develop functional tools to investigate multiple post-translational modifications in plant species.  You can access FAT-PTM at  Additionally, Edward was awarded the Barry Goldwater Scholarship, which is a nationally competitive research-based scholarship for undergraduate students.  Congrats Edward!

November 12, 2018

Congrats to Bret and Tori

Congratulations to Bret Hart on receiving the American Society of Plant Biologists Conviron Scholars Award, and to Tori Speicher for being awarded the UNR Berner Scholarship!  To learn more about the ASPB Conviron Scholars program, check out the link below.

April 26, 2018

Wallace lab students receive huge honors

It's been a big month for Wallace lab students.  Tori Speicher was awarded the UNR Graduate Dean's Merit Scholarship and has been selected to attend the 1st Annual North American Mass Spectrometry Summer School in Madison, WI.  Ed Cruz received various honors over the last month, including being selected for the UNR McNair Scholar's program and receiving the American Society of Plant Biologists Summer Research Fellowship Award.  Additionally, Brett Allen received the Nevada INBRE Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.  Congrats to you all!  The link below describes the Wisconsin Mass Spectrometry Summer school program in more detail

March 31, 2018

Wallace Lab awarded NSF CAREER Award

The Wallace Lab has been awarded an NSF CAREER Award!  This five year grant will explore the post-translational phosphoregulation of plant cellulose synthase complexes using a variety of advanced cell biological and proteomic methods with the goal of tailoring cellulose output in plant biomass feedstocks.

April 13, 2017

Wallace Lab Graduate students receive NSF Graduate Research Fellowships

Jose Villalobos and Devin Smith, both Wallace lab graduate students, were awarded the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Award!  Jose will be investigating the use of fluorinated monosaccharide analogs as rationally designed inhibitors of plant cell wall polysaccharide biosynthesis, and Devin will investigate the function of putative protein O-fucosyltransferases in the regulation of pollen-pistil interactions.  Congrats to both! 

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